12 Effective Home Remedies for kidneys inflammation or nephritis
Nephritis is an inflammation of the kidney tissue.
Under this heading various disorders, differentiated by sector affected kidney, as well as the causes, symptoms and treatment of the same cluster. The two most representative disorders are nephritis glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis.
Glomerulonephritis is an inflammatory process located in the kidney glomeruli, which are the functional units of the kidney where blood filtration and subsequent development of urine occurs.
Inflammation of the glomeruli usually occurs as a complication of an infection settled in any sector of the body (secondary glomerulonephritis).
In most cases, these infections are caused by Streptococcus, as in tonsillitis, otitis, etc.
The complex mechanism of production of glomerulonephritis derived from an altered immune system defense organic, that is, the infection (tonsillitis for example) occur, the body produces antibodies to inactivate the germs; once those have fulfilled their mission, they are deposited in the membranes of the glomerulus, triggering the inflammation with subsequent kidney function impairment. There are also cases where the causal mechanism (idiopathic glomerulonephritis) is unknown.
Manifests glomerulonephritis with reddish urine scanty urination, weakness, paleness, pain in the lumbar region, hypertension, lack of appetite, thirst and swelling on the face (especially on the eyelids) and swollen legs. Treatment is aimed at combating the symptoms with medication management (anti-inflammatory), salt restriction, bed rest, etc.
As pyelonephritis, it is joint inflammation of the glomeruli and the interstitial tissue of the renal pelvis, which is the area where the glomeruli and lead which exit the ureters, which in turn lead to urine bladder.
Pyelonephritis is caused by infections, usually spread from the lower urinary tract or due to obstructions in it. It is manifested by chills, fever, pain in the lumbar region, weakness, discomfort in urination and cloudy urine removal
This disease requires medical treatment, home remedies are used as supplements for a speedy recovery.
Home Remedies for kidneys inflammation or nephritis
Home Remedies for nephritis or kidney inflammation # 1: Boil 60 g of grass rizona of pharmacies and 40 g of corn stigmas in 2 liters of water until reduced to 1 liter, strain and drink throughout the day .
Home Remedies for nephritis or kidney inflammation # 2: Boil 30 g of flowers of mullein and 40 g of sage leaves in a liter of water in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Filter well and distribute into 6 parts to take two days, at 3 times daily for 12 consecutive days, then continue taking the 6 parts in 3 days, ie only 2 times a day for another 12 days .
Home Remedies for nephritis or kidney inflammation # 3: Boil 50 g and 50 g germander of birch leaves for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water, strain and drink throughout the day.
Home Remedies for nephritis or kidney inflammation # 4: Mix 20 g and 20 g Orthosiphon stamineus bearberry and pour in 2 liters of boiling water. Cover and leave to infuse for 20 minutes, strain and divide into 6 parts to take in 3 days, at 2 times daily for 6 consecutive days; rest 4 days and the process repeated four times in succession, that is 24 days total.
Home Remedies for nephritis or kidney inflammation # 5: Boil 2 liters of water until reduced to 1 liter of 60 g less horsetail, strain and add 40 g of heather flowers and 20 g of juniper berries Boil for again for 10 minutes, strain and divide into 6 parts to take in 3 days, at 2 times daily for 12 days; six days to rest and take it back another 12 days, ie 24 days total
Home Remedies for nephritis or kidney inflammation# 6: Boil 1 tablespoon grape ursi in a cup of water for 5 minutes. Cover and let cool. Take up to 3 cups a day
Home Remedies for nephritis or kidney inflammation No. 8 Use Shüssler salts as Kalium phos, and Calcarea phos.
Home Remedies for nephritis or kidney inflammation #9: In homeopathy, are recommended:
- Aconitum napellus: 50 drops in a glass of water to be given a sip every fifteen minutes.
- Belladonna: 50 drops in a glass of water to be given a sip every quarter or half an hour
Home Remedies for nephritis or kidney inflammation #10: Pour in a cup of water is boiling, 1 tablespoon of dried leaves and roots of marshmallow, previously washed. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink 3 cups daily until full healing. This remedy has diuretic properties which facilitates the removal of toxins and pathogens.
Home Remedies for nephritis or kidney inflammation #11: Apply the clay hot or at least warm water bath on the affected region. Keep putting two hours, after which it was exchanged for another poultice of equal length. When the pain is less intense, they will be extended in the lower belly fine clay plasters, too hot, that will be renewed every 15 minutes. During the night, wrap the person with a warm poultice until morning.
Home Remedies for nephritis or kidney inflammation #12: Take plenty of green coconut water all day.