Top 10 Natural Ways to Overcome Constipation In Infants
By okio
Constipation isa conditionforanintestinal obstruction. Foodwasconstipationcan, iftheywastefora fewdays, no water, of course,also leadto the bodyandthe baby's bodywastednotpoisonedby metabolic processes. Shouldbeconsideredas wastewateridealperformedevery day. So ifconstipationisvery necessary thatthefriend clicksasyour babyif morethan 36 hourshascustodyisnotpee, itis natural thatyou developthesymptoms of constipation. Here's Top 10 Natural Ways to Overcome Constipation In Infants
Make surein advance thatyour child is sufferingfrom constipationin infants
Childrencanfussyor cryingfor many reasons. Because weshould not assumethat the babywashidden, and thena cureconstipation. Thepropertiesofconstipationincludedefecationrhythmis irregular, hard stoolsanddiarrhea. Most cases ofconstipationin infantsbreastfed babiesrarelyattacked. Constipation isusuallyperformedwhen the childstarted eatingsolid food. Another sign ofconstipationisdifficult tostomachandabdominal pain, which disappearssoonafter defecation.
Mix baby food with the right dose.
Formula to thick consistency mixed with constipation in babies. Follow the instructions on the packaging of milk carefully for any brand of milk has a mix of different rules. Never ignore the instruction, because it considers all brands of milk have different rules dosage.
Giveprune juicefor constipationin babies
Add pureed prunes in the baby's diet, if your child is in a period of solid food intake. We can also prune juice mixed with water, juice or pear juice. If we know that the foods that tend to facilitate the babies are hard then we need to write down these foods from your baby's menu. Foods that might have a tendency to hard stool of the baby and the risk of the child is exposed to constipation in babies bananas, rice and potatoes.
Do notletyour babyis dehydrated.
We mustpreventwater absorptionin childrenor keepsymptomsof constipationin children. We canof water, because wateris a fluidsense. If your childrefuses todrink water,so we, bysubstitutingapple juicefortasteto the water.
Abdominalboweldilatationreduceinfant massage
Large number ofstainsintestinalboweldilatation, which can be verypainfulfor thecause ofthe baby. The painis onlya babyrabbitthat reallymakeconstipationworsestopped.Usea little olive oiltomassagethe bellyrubbingbaby andgentle movementsto reducehighwayandturn it clockwiseto reduceconstipationin babies.
Increasefiber intake
We canof vegetables, fruits and grainsfacilitate thepunchto helpprovidejobsdigestion
Enter thecorrect type offluid intakefor infants
Avoiddrinks that containcaffeine,such as soda, soda or tea tolose hima lot of moistureduring the move.To preventhealthy beveragealternatives such aswater or juicecauseconstipationin babies.
Drugsthrough breast milk
Babies canfeelwhat foodsconsumedby the motherthrough breast milkthey drink. Somothers shouldincrease their intakeof drinking waterfor up to 6or 7glasses of water perday.Mothers shouldtakenaturallaxativessuch asapple juiceorprune In addition,you shouldavoid the intake offibrous foods such asfruits andvegetables forbaby's digestive tract. Improveand constipation
Helpingyour baby todolight exerciseby puttingthe babykickandmovewhenhe wascycling. This can helptosolve thefrictionatboththe intestinal tract andreducegas.
Youcanuse anatural laxativeis safe to doforthe baby, is to soak theprunesin warm waterandallow it tohave an overnight. Drinka teaspoon ofwater immersionplumsininfants.
Ifyouhavetrouble, plums, use choppedapples. Plums, apples, peaches, pears, peasandspinach, knownfor the treatment ofconstipationin infants. Compoundsthat reducethefood. Stools andconstipation