7 Bad Habits That Cause Wrinkles and Make You Age Faster
Most of us have found the cause of wrinkles is aging. However, aging is not the only reason that makes your skin becomes wrinkled. In fact, many other factors contribute to skin problems it raises. Here 7 Bad Habits That Cause Wrinkles and Make You Age Faster :
How to massage the face, most women only think to wear a night cream on their face to stop wrinkles. The important thing is how you massage your face with cream. When you massage, your hands should always move upwards. If you pull your skin down, a habit that causes wrinkles appear faster.
Sleeping on one side only ,Sleep only on one side, giving the effect of which is bad for the health of your skin. Habits you change positions during sleep can make the pressure and friction on the skin. This causes damage to the skin. You should always try to sleep on her back.
Drastic weight gain ,Many people are looking for ways to lose weight fast. As a result, the fat under your skin disappear quickly and cause wrinkles or sagging skin. You can exercise and lose weight gradually so your skin can get back fast. Skin elasticity is, but he can not adapt quickly to change.
Often stay up ,many of us often overlook hours sleep a night and is busy with many other activities. This is the most serious cause of wrinkles. You need sleep to maintain the beauty of your skin everyday.
Too often rubbing the eye area ,Habit is not only dangerous for your eyes, but can also cause damage to the skin around the eyes. So, stop rubbing your eyes with your fingers. If your eyes are irritated, percikanlah water. That is the best way to avoid the fine lines in the delicate skin around your eyes is damaged
Frowned Too Much ,Frowning can constantly forming fine lines on the forehead. Then the habit of pursing the lips too often can lead to premature wrinkles around your mouth area. Try to smile a little bit. It can make you look so much better and makes your skin wrinkle free.
Habit of not wearing sunglasses ,The sun is the biggest cause of skin damage. If you have a bad habit of not wearing sunglasses, the skin in the eye area you will quickly lined up.
You do not need to spend a lot of money to buy expensive creams, anti-wrinkle cream especially. You just need to be more disciplined in taking care of and maintain the health of your skin. Good luck!