11 amazing Benefits of Tomato Fruit for Health and Beauty

11 amazing Benefits of Tomato Fruit for Health and Beauty, Tomato (Gycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Crop is often used as a seasoning and cooking. For example, in soups, pickles, ketchup other dishes. In addition, tomatoes are often used minumah like tomato juice. But in addition to good food, tomato also has many benefits for health and beauty. Can be used to get rid of acne, skin and face mask. For the treatment of tomatoes you can trust in the treatment of hemorrhoids, low blood pressure, prevent heart disease and prevent cancer cells.
Tomatoes for health benefits, not the last of the nutrients in it. Tomatoes contain alkaloids contain solanin (0,007%), saponins, folic acid, malic acid, citric acid, bioflavonoids (including rutin), proteins, fats, sugars (glucose, fructose), adenine, trigonelin, kholin, Tomatin, minerals (Calcium , Magnesium, Posfor, potassium, sodium, iron, sulfur, chlorine), vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, E, lycopene, niacin), and histamine.

amazing Benefits of Tomato Fruit for Health and Beauty

Routine can strengthen capillary walls of blood vessels. Chlorine and sulfur are the trace element nutrition detoksfikation. Chlorine naturally stimulate the liver works to remove sulfur poisons the body and protect the liver from the occurrence of liver cirrhosis and other liver diseases. Lycopene beta-carotene is the yellow pigment in tomatoes. Tomatin nutritious as antibiotics. In addition to fruit, tomato leaves also contain pectin, arbutin, amigdalin, and alkaloids.

Treating of Acne
Add 25 ml of 70% alcohol in tomato juice (100 ml), and shuffle around. Use the mixture to scrub facial breakouts. Doing the treatment 2 - 3 times a day.

skin burns
Not only tomatoes, leaves also have benefits for the skin beauty. Wash the young leaves are still fresh, and then milled to powder. Smeared on the skin burns.

treating Hemorrhoids
Boil some ripe tomatoes in oil for about ten minutes, and then filtered with a piece of cloth. Once cool, rub on 

Treatment of high blood pressure
Eat as many fresh tomatoes 1-2 pieces at a time, in the morning on an empty stomach.

Dealing with bruises
If beating because of blackened or beaten, treated with tomatoes. Tim added tomato juice with ginger and drink cold water.

Appendicitis, jaundice
Drink tomato juice, three times a day, each glass. Continue to consult with your doctor.

treatment of fever
3 ripe tomatoes Wash, then cut into pieces as needed. Powder in half a glass of water and cook spoon of pure honey. Squeeze and drain the water, and then wypić.To three times a day. Patients with diabetes have a ban on the addition of pure honey that does not increase blood sugar levels.

Gingivitis and bleeding gums
Wash tomatoes cooked and then eaten alive. Do this twice daily for about a month.

treatment of thrush
Cut ripe tomatoes (two pieces), and cooking fresh fish, chill and eat, do for one to two weeks until there is improvement.

gastric ulcer
Chopped ripe tomatoes and oranges were acidified each element. Add one tablespoon of honey and mix evenly. Eat slowly, 3-4 times a day for three weeks.

increased appetite
If your child has trouble eating, tell him tomato juice for an hour before eating.

Apparently, our tomatoes as a food ingredient, have significant health benefits. So, do not hesitate to eat tomatoes, because the properties are not unusual.